
In society there have been and forever will be trends that are involved with everyone’s day to day lives of which would heavily influence a lot of people in the world.

Examples of Trends:

  • Gaming (Media)

-FPS (First Person Shooters)

-VR (Virtual Reality)


  • Fashion





One of the main trends that has occurred within the past 2-3 years is VR (Virtual Reality),the reason VR was created was to excel the progress for gamer’s and their gaming experience. As the creators of the VR realized that gaming had a limited amount of experience with there only being a controller and a screen to interact with. So they invented a dual screen that can be used as a type of visor that give the player the effect that they’re in the game. The VR is largely supported by the gaming society as of how it’s gaming’s only way it can evolve.

However with the VR at this stage it isn’t too powerful of a trend with how they are very expensive with the normal set needed to play the games is priced at a minimum of £300 with that only being about £50 less than the price of a new console. In addition, the VR can’t be played for a long period of time, any longer than 40 minutes at a time, or the player would become sick with how the VR creates motion sickness for the player. In my opinion, the price and awareness of the sickness effect that the VR gives makes the VR a weak but known trend with how it hasn’t been worked on enough at this stage to prevent any of it’s problems towards the player.

There are also trends in life like fashion that are heavily determined by the seasons through out the year. For example, with there being four seasons the fashion sense through out the year changes with how in Summer people wear t-shirts and shorts, whereas in Winter people wear many layers with them being kept warm with there being coats,hats and gloves worn through out the Winter season.

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